GoPro Best

GoPro Cause: City Surf Project | Kindhumans

To support City Surf in its mission to ensure equity and access to surfing, sign up today, join the Surf-A-Thon and share the stoke with the next generation of surfers:

GoPro teams up with Kindhumans and City Surf Project to explore the healing and transformative power of surfing.

City Surf Project works to ensure equitable access to the ocean and the benefits of outdoor recreation for Bay Area youth who historically have not seen their identities reflected in the outdoor space by providing opportunities to learn surfing—a challenging sport that fosters physical and mental well-being, a connection to nature and healthy living. From sound healing waves to healing ocean waves, pro surfer Kassia Meador joins City Surf Project to share her talent and energy on land and in the water and with the skilled storytellers from Kindhumans.

Kindhumans is a positive movement of respect and understanding, rooted in helping facilitate small, conscious decisions with a big, positive impact:

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Music Courtesy of Extreme and Music Vine

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