Did you make the cut?
$1,000,000 on the line.
29,200 clips submitted.
56 creators awarded.
We challenged YOU to capture our #GoProHERO9 Highlight Video for a shot at sharing $1,000,000. We asked you to capture life’s epic moments and show us your corner of the world. The result is two minutes of pure joy, from backyards, the backcountry and beyond.
Our team watched each of the 29,200 clips submitted and selected 56 creators for the final video and their share of the $1 million purse.
While the Million Dollar Challenge is in its third year, 2020 produced the most unique highlight reel GoPro has seen yet. Shelter-in-place restrictions and travel bans resulted in an uplifting ode to the happiness that is always within arm’s reach but is only now getting the attention it deserves.
Congratulations, GoPro Family! You continue to awe and amaze us.
Shot 100% on GoPro
#GoPro #HERO9Black #MillionDollarChallenge