“The Alive!” is a band of 3 young shredders, Bastian Evans (18), Kai Neukermans (18), + Manoa Neukermans (15), who grew up jamming together between surf + skate sessions. These 3 have already played some of the most prestigious festivals in the world, including Lollapalooza + Bottlerock. “The Alive!” is also committed to bettering our environment by donating their talents to support events hosted by Surfrider Foundation, Surfers Against Sewage, Sustainable Coastlines Hawaii, + Save the Waves. They are also BYOBottle artists committed to reducing single use plastics.
Without further adieu, enjoy this unique project filmed in an abandoned cement production yard featuring their top 3 songs, “THE MAN”, “MUD”, + “THE TIME”. Shot 100% GoPro.
Check out more music from “The Alive!” 👉 open.spotify.com/artist/7dmbckQLtacSogGixbzrQp
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HERO11 Black Creator Edition:
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